Soft drinks majors have issued Paper notifications specifying various contents of pesticides and their proportions in Soft drinks they sell in India. ( This letter was e mailed to many a TV channel / News paper on 26.8.06 ). In 2003 Counsels of Pepsi and Coca-cola have agreed in the Supreme court that Pesticides do exist in their soft drinks . Then SC asked them to notify Toxic contents on the bottles. Then Government intervened and accepted the fact that Soft drinks they sell contain pesticides. They even claim that vegetables and ground water do carry pesticides in India.
Once again Govt came to the rescue of the foreign companies declaring that methods adopted in CSEs analyses are questionable ! Why Media sees no news in it ?
Our neighbor China is surging ahead beyond the world’s imagination. It has banned recently telecast of foreign cartoon films on Chinese TVs to safe guard domestic cartoon industry.
Why ? in their National interest. Pakistanis support Military government there , why ? Their Military government serves Pakistani National interests.
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It is apparent that Indian government lost self confidence on India’s self reliance in every aspect and simply following dictates of the US and eagerly drifting towards Neo Slavery of Indian Nation.
It is time for the media and the Partiotic people to awake from their deep slumber and educate people of the on- goings at Delhi in order to refrain.